Where can I access Khanmigo while working on Khan Academy?
There are various places from which you can access and use Khanmigo on your Khan Academy account:
1. The Khanmigo Dropdown menu in the top right of your screen:
You will see different dropdown options depending on what type of Khanmigo plan you are enrolled in. The screenshot below shows all the options: Learner activities, Parent tools, Teacher tools, and My documents (which saves documents made with the Khanmigo Teacher Tools)
2. Khan Academy content pages:
- The Khanmigo icon is at the bottom right-hand corner of content pages. Clicking on it opens the conversation window.
- One thing to note, though, is that Khanmigo is not programmed to offer assistance with MCAT, LSAT and Praxis prep. It Is also not available on the following content item types across Khan Academy: quizzes, unit tests, course challenges and mastery challenges.
- We do this because those pages are designed to test your knowledge without additional help.
- If you have access to the Khanmigo Teacher Tools, you will also see them available on Khan Academy content pages. When you use the tools from here, they will pull in relevant data from the content pages.
3. Your Learner Home:
Here you will find links to the Khanmigo Activities page, your Khanmigo Chat History, and your Khanmigo Settings. Any Khan Academy user can reach their Learner Home by clicking your name in the top right-hand corner, followed by "Learner home" from the dropdown list
4. Your Teacher Dashboard:
If you are a teacher and have Khanmigo on your account, you will find the Khanmigo Teacher Tools quick view on the right side of your Teacher Dashboard.
5. Khan Academy via the mobile browser:
You can get access to Khanmigo through your mobile browser at any moment, which contains exactly the same features and accesses as the desktop web experience. Here are a few examples:
6. The Khan Academy App:
The Khanmigo Activities are available in the mobile app version v8.0.0 and up (on both Android and iOS).
Note: This is a more limited experience. Khanmigo’s chat-box, Teacher tools, and Parent tools are not available in the Khan Academy app.
We hope this article was helpful in understanding where to find Khanmigo when working on Khan Academy! If you need further assistance, please reach out to our support team through this link: Link: Submit a Help Center Request