How do I edit the My Courses section on my Home page?
The My Courses section allows you to choose up to 9 courses to be displayed on your Learning Home page. Under each course name, you'll see which unit to start or resume, as well as how many skills you've completed in an in-progress unit (where applicable).
To add and remove courses from this view:
- Go to your Learning Home page by clicking on the Khan Academy name at the top of any page when you're logged in (this is also the first page you're taken to when you log in).
- Click Edit on the right-side of My courses.
- A menu will display where you can un-check any subjects you previously had or check a subject to add it to your My courses display.
- When ready, click on the green button on the bottom-right side of the window displaying the total amount of subjects to display
Note: At least 1 course must be checked. If not, the system will not allow you to save the changes.