How can I share Khan Academy content to my classes on Google Classroom?
Teachers have an easy way to share content from Khan Academy directly onto Google Classroom. We’re hoping this will provide a quick way to integrate different technology into your classroom seamlessly, or help you adapt to using both Google Classroom and Khan Academy!
Please note: the Khan Academy and Google Classroom integration has some limitations:
- Making an assignment or task on Google Classroom using this integration does not also create one on Khan Academy.
- In order to view your students' scores, the assignment needs to be made by the teacher and completed by the student on Khan Academy.
For this reason, below are some implementation models to consider if you are a Khan Academy and Google Classroom user:
- Making Course or Unit Mastery goals and Assignments directly on Khan Academy, and then using the Google Classroom "Make an Announcement" function to announce to students they have new work to begin.
- Using the "Ask question" feature on Google Classroom to learn more about your students' experience completing the work on Khan Academy.
- Making Assignments on Khan Academy, and then also using the "Create Assignment" Google Classroom function. Some teachers find their students keep better track of their assignments on Google Classroom rather than Khan Academy.
Do any of these implementation ideas sound right for you? If so, here’s how to get started on them!
First, locate the piece of Khan Academy content that you would like to post on Google Classroom. Once on the content, click the "Google Classroom" link at the top of the content.
Clicking on this button will prompt you to log in using your Google Classroom/Google Apps for Education account. After signing in, you will find the Share to Classroom screen:
On this screen:
Choose which Google Classroom you would like to share to
Choose which action you would like to take in that Google Classroom: Create Assignment, Ask Question, Make an Announcement, or Create Material
Click "Go"
Once you click "Go", an additional window will pop up where you will:
Add details about the action you selected to do on Google Classroom, including due date, instructions, and description
Click "Ask" "Post" or "Assign" in the top right-hand corner for your students to receive it on Google Classroom.
There you have it! Khan Academy content is now shared to your Google Classroom.
We hope this article was helping you understand the Khan Academy and Google Classroom integration a bit further! If you have questions or feedback, please reach out to our support team here! We are happy to help.
Additional resources:
How do I import my Google Classroom roster to Khan Academy?