I used to get that message too. Basically, it means that you might have two or more tabs that have the same exercise open at once, and Khan Academy can't compute the different data being sent all a...
i also only have ONE KHAN ACADEMY TAB OPEN, and that's what's doing this, by the way
Evan Lewis i have auto-play automatically disabled because i have the "reduce motion and animations" turned on. also, I've tried refreshing several times, before i made this post. it takes several ...
- Общност
- Technical Issues and Workarounds
- If you get a question wrong, you can not view a step-by-step solution.
the "hints" and the "step-by-step" solution are the same thing. the reason why you only see one step at a time is because Khan wants you to learn how to solve the question one step at a time, not j...
oh, okay, thanks! :)
i didn't know what section to put it in, so i went with "general KA questions" haha
i'm only on one device and using one tab, yes...and i thought i already submitted a support ticket. i'll check again and see if i did. thanks for the tip!
ok, i'll try that! thanks!
you should really add the commas on the actual badges, just saying...like how it says "200000"? kinda hard to read. :) i have also told the system to check for new avatars and badges like all la...
ok, i just did that. tysm for your help!
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