Как да помогнем?
FIngolfin коментира,
No that is incorrect we will not travel in time but time will stop in time
FIngolfin коментира,
I do not think that would be a good idea one reason because it seems to turn into a gaming website and it does not help with Students learning
FIngolfin коментира,
pi is an irrational number used to for finding the circumference of a circle this is the number 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067...
FIngolfin коментира,
There is sound available this is how you use it playSound(getSound("rpg/battle-magic"))
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Следен от 0 потребители
Гласове 14
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Общо активност 18
Последна дейност
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Следи 0 потребители
Следен от 0 потребители
Гласове 14
Абонаменти 0