Founder STEMshoots.com: Parents strengthening STEM in our communities. Mom to 3 teenagers. Recovering manangement consultant and MBA. Still trying to make our world a better place
cmseth коментира,
Pauline, My dad flunked out of college 3 or 4 times and returned after a decade. Engineering major. Masters in math. Professional astronomical-mathematician-programmer working for NORAD. Dream b...
cmseth коментира,
Thanks Jett! Will check and get back to you. My guess is this is exactly when we needed, since he hadn't found any videos for disc and washer. Much appreciated! Pretty amazing how much he coul...
cmseth коментира,
Thank you Jett! I'm sure they'll also cover them in engineering calculus when they need him to know them.
cmseth коментира,
@Pauline Taylor - That's great! My kids have been using Khan for 4 years now, so it is a marathon, rather than a spring. You might also want to try statistics before calculus. It would come afte...
cmseth създаде постинг,
Last 5 skills in the World of Math
My son is having difficulty mastering the last 5 skills in the World of Math, two of which do not have videos. If better explanations aren't already included in the July update, then it would be a...
cmseth коментира,
Thank you Laurie & team!
cmseth коментира,
Hi Ted! We had some 6th graders get together for a "math club" and help each other. While they weren't technically coaching each other through Khan's dashboard, they encouraged each other to kee...
cmseth коментира,
Rock on, Amy! I also have my own account and work (more occasionally) along side my kids!
cmseth коментира,
Lea, Our local magnet high school has kids take the mid term and the final in one sitting in order to skip a class such as Algebra 2/Trig or calculus. Colleges seem to have you take a math placem...
cmseth коментира,
When they login to Khan to start working find "mission" often in the upper left. Select early math and have them start from the beginning. Once they complete that, move to the next mission, early...
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