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Lisa Rohn
Lisa Rohn коментира,
Thanks for the info, Regina - I had no idea. Yes - it seems strange to me not to value consecutive days, since constancy and perseverance is really what pays off in the long run. I am a classical m...
Lisa Rohn създаде постинг,
Consecutive Days at KA ~ no badges for this?
Hi there, I just recently passed my 365 consecutive days at Khan Academy - (yes, holidays, being sick, traveling, everything) - with absolutely no aknowledgement -!!! This is shocking to me. Why d...
Lisa Rohn коментира,
Rhondavw = that's brilliant! It would be inspiring but not so direct as to be discouraging... I hope someone at KA reads your suggestion, and does something like this. Thank you!
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Общо активност 12
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