Как да помогнем?

RyanKlassyD5 коментира,
Good to know that after 5 years and 38 upvotes they still have done nothing to fix this. I guess I should just be grateful for the free courses (which I am!). The subtitle thing is annoying for sur...
RyanKlassyD5 създаде постинг,
Allow us to search for posts within a specific section (like feature requests)
I come to add a feature request and the "READ THIS" post says "Search for the feature request first to see if someone else added it". The problem is that when you search it gives you thousands of r...
RyanKlassyD5 коментира,
Can you make it so you don't have to hard-code that Edit Courses menu? Can you make it pull from the list that contains all the courses? I would like to add Calculus 1 to my courses. It seems like ...
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