tracy.slovak създаде постинг,
Generating Specific Reports
My students use Khan Academy in the summer for extra math practice. They are awarded bonus for doing quizzes and tests. I need to see only quizzes and tests completed for each student. I am not ...
tracy.slovak коментира,
Ok yes it's mostly frustrating because it makes them add courses when they login so it's confusing for them now that they have these courses and my class. Due to this situation I didn't add the stu...
tracy.slovak коментира,
So my kids are having this issue. They are prompted to choose a grade level and course when they join with my code, but I have already made assignments. They don't see my class or the assignments...
tracy.slovak създаде постинг,
Having to Update Assignments for Students When They Join the Class
Hello. I'm really new to this and using it for summer math. I have all students joining with a code. When they get in they are prompted to add classes for themselves. I have already made assign...
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