Hi Max, Thank you for sharing with us and I am so glad to hear that Khan Academy has given you such hope! I wish you nothing but the best and encourage you to talk to those around you in regards t...
Hi Tay, So glad to hear that Khan Academy has helped you, thank you so much for sharing! Best of luck, Jo
Hi Shaun, That's amazing! Thank you for sharing and for being a part of our community! Best, Jo
Hi there, Thank YOu for being a part of our community! Best, Jo
Congrats on your first post masked ZSA! And thank you for sharing :) Likewise, Fancy! Best of luck to you both, Jo
Hi there! Thank you for your kind words and for sharing with us! Bes of luck, Jo
Hi there, So happy to hear that you have been able to learn here on Khan Academy! Thank you for sharing :) Best, Jo
Hi Kimber-Lee, We'd love to have a greater understanding of the issue you're running into. Could you please submit a support request in our Help Center? Here's the link: http://khan.co/KA-support....
Hi Cook. Geoffrey, We'd love to have a greater understanding of the issue you're running into. Could you please submit a support request in our Help Center? Here's the link: http://khan.co/KA-supp...
Hi Kerrie, We'd love to have a greater understanding of the issue you're running into. Could you please submit a support request in our Help Center? Here's the link: http://khan.co/KA-support. Tha...
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