Hi there! I enjoy programming, reading, learning, and helping others. I've been answering questions for a while on Khan Academy, mostly about Computer Programming, Grammar, and History. Now I've joined the Help center and became a Support Advocate to contribute even more to the Khan Academy community. #YouCanLearnAnything
pinkpuppy22 коментира,
Hi Skyblueeyes, Since Khan Academy has retired quite a few badges in the past couple of years, I get the sense they're more focused on creating/improving content rather than adding badges. To my kn...
pinkpuppy22 коментира,
Hi sierra.adcox, Due to the multiple videos/quizzes, it's hard to narrow down how long each course will take. As for the due dates, you can give your students as short (or as long) of a deadline as...
pinkpuppy22 коментира,
Hi Landon Pascarella, Currently, there are no standard requirements for a student graduating a grade on Khan Academy. As soon as your student completes their grade course they can continue learning...
pinkpuppy22 коментира,
Hi Regina, JS is short for JavaScript, a dynamic programming language. It's commonly used as part of web pages, and often called the language of the web.
pinkpuppy22 коментира,
Hi BlackKnight (Amythyst), According to the Khan Academy guidelines (as well as a Community Support Associate that I talked to), any topics that fall under the controversial topics section of the K...
pinkpuppy22 коментира,
Hi tnoel, That is odd, thank you for reporting your issue! I'd suggest you fill out a Support Ticket via this link below: https://support.khanacademy.org/hc/en-us/requests/new . A Khan Academy supp...
pinkpuppy22 коментира,
Hi Mohid is amazing, You can view your progress on Course Mastery and Mastery Challenges, as well as time spent on exercises, videos, articles, and more! Step 1. Go to your Khan Academy home page ...
pinkpuppy22 коментира,
Hi Ruby Phoenix, Yes, if a user has (or in this case, had) a Child account, then their project(s) will not be evaluated. Child account programs are not displayed on any kind of list (Hot list, eval...
pinkpuppy22 коментира,
Hi mnhguyen2028, While the Health and Medicine course will be removed from the course menu on Khan Academy on July 15, we currently don't have plans to remove the videos from YouTube. However, we d...
pinkpuppy22 коментира,
Hi everyone, I asked a group of Support Advocates about the suggestion bar. One user said that it was a feature implemented a few years back, but it was retired. After talking about it, I remembere...
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