Winged-Whale създаде постинг,
More Reading and Language Arts
1) The most powerful weapon in the world is the mind, but you must be taught how to use it, and this is just what reading and language arts may do. 10th, 11th, and even 12th grade reading and langu...
Winged-Whale създаде постинг,
High School Language Arts + Writing
The Language Arts courses on KA are wonderful, but lacking in two things: High School/advanced and writing. I particularly talk about writing, as it is probably the most useful subject that is supp...
Winged-Whale създаде постинг,
Calculus III+
Will Khan Academy ever have Calculus III and higher?
Winged-Whale коментира,
You don't have a time limit, but the time is recorded, go to your profile>progress and you'll find some data on all of your activities, including unit tests. Also, if you exit out of a unit test, y...
Winged-Whale създаде постинг,
Future courses?
I'd just like to know what we have to look forward to with Khan Academy, mainly courses and course updates. Any courses currently in the works?
Winged-Whale създаде постинг,
How advanced does calculus get on Khan Academy?
Like calculus 1, 2? Also, what is the difference between AP Calc AB and BC?
Winged-Whale коментира,
I don't think that they would add a psychology course because we don't necessarily want kids knowing much about that (psychology can be used against people). You could find some stuff on YouTube, b...
Winged-Whale създаде постинг,
ACT Prep
It would be nice to have ACT practice exams available on khan academy, as the ACT is almost as popular as the SAT.
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