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News and Updates from Khan Academy
All the good stuff about news, product updates, and other changes coming down from Khan Academy.
Update: 32 new avatars available! 😍
Планирани-160 гласове 215 коментари -
Content Update: AP® Chemistry beta
Планирани17 гласове 111 коментари -
Update: Streaks are going away on January 4, 2021
-10 гласове 62 коментари -
Update: Khan Academy has a new logo!
Планирани10 гласове 61 коментари -
Update: Restart the practice activity you’re working on— introducing the “Start over” link!
Планирани15 гласове 54 коментари -
Content Update: Beta ELA Practice
Планирани20 гласове 53 коментари -
Update: New way for skills to count as "Practiced"
3 гласове 53 коментари -
Update: New and Improved AP® Biology!
Планирани25 гласове 40 коментари -
Community Update: Introducing the KACP Challenge Council!
Планирани30 гласове 37 коментари -
Content update: Brand new high school physics and biology courses are coming soon!
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ELA reading & vocabulary courses, grades 2-9
Планирани40 гласове 35 коментари -
Content update: ELA beta bulletin, March 2020
Планирани16 гласове 33 коментари -
Update: August 2016 Math Mission Changes
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Content Update: New AP Chemistry videos and exercises, plus new in-progress science courses!
Планирани18 гласове 29 коментари -
Update: New point badges!
19 гласове 29 коментари -
Update: Expanding AP® Biology!
Планирани23 гласове 28 коментари -
Update: New discussions design!
Планирани6 гласове 25 коментари -
Update (May 2018): New Unit Mastery [beta testing]
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Content Update: 5 newly complete science courses!
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Content Update: Course Updates are on their way in late July 2021!
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Content Update: New High school physics course, expanded science AP/College courses, and more!
3 гласове 21 коментари -
Introducing… Khanmigo!
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News: Khan Academy hits 7 million YouTube subscribers!
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Update: AP® Computer Science Principles updated for new standards!
14 гласове 19 коментари -
Update: New Assignments and Mastery information on exercises, videos, and articles!
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Content Update: June 2018 New Calculus Courses
Планирани9 гласове 17 коментари -
Update: New Teacher and Student Reports
Планирани4 гласове 16 коментари -
Update: CS section is getting a layout update in order to match the rest of the site
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Update: Introducing... Khan Academy Kids!
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Update: New loading spinner
5 гласове 14 коментари