Private messaging
The reason this come up is because I have a good friend on here that I like to talk to, but the things we talk about aren't exactly good material for educational websites.
This friend is one I only know from Khan. I don't know their Email, we don't live close, and I haven't ever seen this person in real life. KA is the only way I can talk to this person.
The things we talk about are very important to both of us (and I feel necessary to say), but are very spiritual in context.
Making and using a public chat thread for this purpose is what got me banned.
We can no longer do such things anymore, but I have a solution: The ability to private message another user.
This way we can get things off our chests that no-one else understands besides us two, and others won't find it offense.
And thus, neither of us will get in trouble, and nobody else will either.
It's a win-win situation, right?
I understand that implementing such a feature will produce some risks, such as cyberbullying.
However, I would still like whoever's in charge around here to at least consider my proposal before turning it down without a second thought.
I think this very well could be a good opportunity for others as well.
Thank you very much for reading this, and I love you all!
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