"Retired" Speed badges?
Shalom Math magicians!
I´ve got a question regarding the speed badges. There is the "Going Transonic" and "" ones. Got over 300 of those at the moment. I noticed today that there was two more, the "Sub-light Speed" and "299,792,458 Meters per Second."
Tried do a exercises really quick for getting 42 and 75 correct answers done. However i didnt recieve any experience nor any badges. So i checked more closly. On the Khan Academy wiki fandom it said those badges where "retired." I guess it means that they are not possible to get anymore? How come, I would really like to get the chance to collect them!
When where they available, and for how long? Also when did they became "retired?" Why retire those kind of badges, I understand "retiring" badges for certain years. But thos could be obtained anytime.
Please make those badges available agin, I guess many more peaple would like to be able to obtain those badges again!
Thanks a lot for the understanding and help!
//Blessings, Richard.
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