The Khan Academy Team Needs to Update the Finance & Capital Markets Course
Hello! I am currently doing the Finance & Capital Markets course here on KA. While the videos would have been great 10 years ago, but as of this day & age, the resolution isn't good for today's laptops, and the information is also out of date. It would be awesome to update this course for the future users who will learn this knowledge. If you would look at the video I put the link to below, you will understand where I'm coming from. If users are watchin 11-year-old videos about finance, they will not have a clear vision when looking at today's markets.
If the KA team is unable to do that, I would just recommend to update the HD on the videos. It is really hard to read what Sal is writing due to the above issue.
Thank you for taking your time to listen to my request!
Link to video I was talking about:
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