Не намерихте ли това, което търсите?
Нов постингКоментари: 14
Sal is truly an inspiration. Instead of creating a pay for use platform, he instead created a free for all website so everyone has equal access.
And I really like the lectures. But most of all, I like Sal's voice. I'll hope sometime in the future we'll meet irl.
Yes, Sal literally changed the way I think about math. Now, math not only makes sense, but it is awesome, enjoyable, and exciting! Such impressive layers of order!
yes he's an inspiration
Hey Sal can you also do some computer programming videos to?
I'm getting better grades because of Sal! He truly is amazing.
sure is
Yes, Mathew Johnson, I am 39 yr old I have dedicated my life to studying math and science, chemistry, biology, engineering, and physics, right now I am passionate about math and interested in physics, but I have a strong love interest for math the now, all my life I prayed for something to pop up I might pick up my borderline grades from hight school because computing and tech was my strongest point, trust me id rather dedicate my life to research into anything math and sciency than watch and listen to the negativity out there, to belive I was crap at math in high school and thanks to this site I love maths now im doing great, maybe someday after I get through making, chemistry, biology, and EE like on this site may be one day I will get around to physics.
yes he is indeed an inspiration
Yes, I truly agree with you all besides the person who said that Sal stands for short Asian lesbian, very disrespectful. But I can say as a user of Khan Academy for some years now and have made 2 different accounts on khan academy for school reasons can say that since 2006 to 2021 this website has evolved tremendously and I really like that it's a free learning website instead of paying money monthly because there are some people around the world who don't have an education but Khan Academy opens a way for a full life learning.
Sal is a totally a great inspiration person in my life.
I also love Sal's voice and his gentle, patient and non-judgmental way of explaining. Unlike some of the teachers that I had in school, he has never once yelled at me, laughed at me or mocked me in front of the class. Thank you for being so kind.
As a result, during the time period of June 2020 through August 2022, I progressed from 6th Grade math through Applications of Integrals.
I am 72 years young.
In my elite university in 1968, I got an F in first semester calculus. An F. Now I can see that calculus was not all that difficult and you don't need to be born with a Math Gene to understand it. You only need a good teacher and lots and lots of practice that includes being shown how to actually work each problem. -
Sal is the best!
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