Turn off sound effects for IOS app
When using the ios app, I find it easy to focus with music playing in another app and every time khan academy correction ketones play it stops the music
When using the ios app, I find it easy to focus with music playing in another app and every time khan academy correction ketones play it stops the music
We're excited to let you know that, starting with version 6.5.1, you can now toggle sound effects on and off in the Khan Academy app! We encourage you to update the app and enjoy this new feature. :)
Thank you for helping us improve Khan Academy!
I think we need way more settings in the settings menu of our apps so I agree with this request.
I’ve been after them to do this for almost a year now! They’ve done other things to the iOS app, including taking away the consecutive days counter, but they haven’t seen fit to add this setting.
I have two workarounds for this, but neither will work for the original poster who wants to play music in another app. For anyone else who is reading this and wants to silence this sound so as not to disturb others in the room or on a bus, train, or plane, here they are:
1. Mute all sounds on your device. Just remember to unmute them if you next want to play a Khan Academy video or other source with sound you want to here.
2. Connect headphones or earbuds (or speakers that aren’t turned on) to your device but don’t listen through them. I heard that some iPhones don’t have a speaker jack. If this is true, and your iPhone is one of them, Bluetooth may work for this. Otherwise, use the mutng in item 1 above.
Please, Khan Academy, give us a mute option for the encouragement sounds in the iPad. And while you’re at it, give this to Android users, too, if they don’t already have it. Thank you so much if you can do this!
Now Android users also have the sound effects and I really like it. Sound effects toggle would be great for Android users as well please give it into settings.
Yes PLEASE do fix this, this is a total deal breaker and makes Khan Academy unusable on iOS.
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