The best thing I've found yet
Just wanted to say how beneficial this program has been for me so far. I've been studying less than I previously had been using Kim's LSAT Trainer and the Powerscore books and achieving MUCH better results.
For anyone that is struggling with some of the more "basic" issues with the LSAT I suggest watching the Insight LSAT videos on YouTube and using them in conjunction with this program. I found that that has helped me immensely. I have improved 15 points so far and can only imagine that things can only tighten up and get more streamlined from here.
I just wanted to post and say thank you so much Khan Academy, you've all but alleviated the anxiety I was having regarding the LSAT.
If anyone has any questions or anything I'd be more than happy to try and help you. The LSAT has been my life for the last several months and if I can help anyone get a better score I will share any knowledge I have openly and honestly.
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