How do I review questions from my practice tests?
How do I review questions from my practice tests? I want to see detailed explanations of what I got right and wrong, but I don't see where to do this.
How do I review questions from my practice tests? I want to see detailed explanations of what I got right and wrong, but I don't see where to do this.
Hi there -
There are multiple stages of practice leading up to each practice test. You can see them represented below - i.e. the practice to do to get from 1 to 2 on the left menu is in a stage. You'll need to pass 8 practice tasks to get to the next stage (though depending on your performance, you may be accelerated). Hope that helps
I feel that I am spend hours doing practice questions but I'm not really learning anything. I would love to learn some strategies for the questions I don't do so well on.
Hi there -
Thanks for the feedback! You can review past practice by scrolling up in the left hand menu and clicking on the test (or the Review test button) or practice task you want to review. Then, you'll see the option to review in the right as shown below.
@Tammy - have you checked out the lessons tab? There are many strategies there (and you can also access help in context of the questions in practice sets as you do them by scrolling down past the answer choices, or after you submit the answer)
Thanks! Found it.
I am not sure how the stages work? It says I am behind 9 stages. I do not know what to do to start stage one! Any recommendations? I would really appreciate it.
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