Idea: Custom Course
Khan Academy has been a great help in my studies. I would like to suggest a custom course wherein we could pick from a lot of lessons available in the site and compile them in one course that would fit our specific needs.
Khan Academy has been a great help in my studies. I would like to suggest a custom course wherein we could pick from a lot of lessons available in the site and compile them in one course that would fit our specific needs.
That would be helpful once I began to understand how to use this site to its full potential. I would really like to be learning three things at once like World History, Biology, and Geometry so it's all mixed up so I don't know what to expect.
Im a teacher in the UK and creating a custom course would be ideal for my classroom as it would mean that they course that the students are doing in lessons matches what they are doing on Khan Academy.
I am doing algebra in the morning and calculus at night or vice versa, if I do complicated sums while im fresh eyed meaning not drowsy, how does anyone think that sounds a better way?
My standards don't align with the Khan Academy units. The KA units often have 60+ topics within them. I'd love to be able to form my own units by picking out the existing KA topic strands I need. This will also give the students a feeling of completeness, instead of have 5/40 in one KA unit and 12/35 on a different unit, etc.
I would love if KA could do this! I am currently taking a bio-chemistry course and am left to searching the entire site for the video lectures that match my course's curriculum best. I know KA has most if not all of the lecture videos I would need but they're either not in the same course or do not parallel my class's topics at all. For example, I can find most of the videos I need in the biology course but I also discovered topics I need in the health and medicine course. I wouldn't mind spending the time looking up and creating a KA course that would align with my bio-chem class but I only want to have to do the search once - not have to look it up every time I come onto the site or have to leave a billion tabs open. I personally wouldn't need the quizzes or tests either (although they would be helpful), just a way to make my own video playlist would be great.
I like this idea because I could design a course that is equivalent to my curriculum. This way I can progress faster then my class or catch up due to unforeseen circumstances.
I will submit a similar idea but for generating custom practice tests for entrance exams, in my case for high school placement.
I am a teacher and this feature would safe me a lot of time. I am customizing anyways, but I need to use messy workarounds, and therefore the dashboard for the pupils scores is not usable for me.
The new feature to add custom units to a course, is cool, but it still leaves a lot of potential. If we really could choose the assignments, this would boost the possibilities to customize.
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