Lot's of people have been banned
A lot of people I know have been suddenly and in my opinion, unnecessarily banned. Is this a glitch, and if not, why is this happening so suddenly?
Could I be suddenly banned like this?
A lot of people I know have been suddenly and in my opinion, unnecessarily banned. Is this a glitch, and if not, why is this happening so suddenly?
Could I be suddenly banned like this?
I do not need to know why they were banned, it is not my business :)
This was a question meant for the guardians, but thanks for the insight!
Hi 𝕜𝕚𝕒𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕒,
We do remove the discussion privileges of some users if they have several repeat violations of our Community/Program Guidelines. For active users with previous positive contributions, they will first receive several warning messages about their behavior before this happens (unless the behavior was extremely inappropriate). These messages appear in your notifications, just like notifications for new discussion posts, assignments, etc. We may then remove their discussion access if the user persists in the same poor behavior after receiving a warning message about the issue.
If an active user is banned, they will generally be notified of the ban and the reason for it. They will also receive information on what they need to do to have their discussion privileges restored.
Users may request more information about their ban status and work to restore their discussion access by submitting the form provided here: https://support.khanacademy.org/hc/en-us/articles/115003343971-Why-was-I-banned
I hope this helps!
There is one thing I don't understand.
I've got 2 warnings for something I don't understand. If there is plagiarism on the hotlist, could I post a T&T saying "This is plagiarized, and the link is here..", or is that considered off topic?
Also, is saying "how have you been?" off topic, because that's just polite
Ah yes, that's exactly the sort of thing we are trying to avoid. Posts warning the creator/others about plagiarism tend to lead to further arguments and conflicts, so this is not a role that we want our users to fulfill. If you come across a plagiarized project, please flag it (and include a link to the original if possible), and don't comment on it. Our Guardians will then remove the project and reach out to the user about how to correctly create copies of projects.
Asking "how have you been?" is fine, as long as that doesn't turn into a lengthy off-topic discussion. Khan Academy is an education site, so we want conversations to be primarily focused on learning, the courses, CS projects, etc. This is not a social media or texting service, and all the comments you make are publicly visible to everyone on the internet, so we don't want discussions of personal information, personal issues, family/school drama, etc. taking place here.
Thank you, that was very helpful!
I don't know if this is the best place to be asking this, I tried to make a new post but I don't think it sent, but this is probably an okay place to ask this,
I got banned a few weeks ago, and recently got un-banned, but my projects that I made before and during the ban are still hidden. I was banned for discussion posts, not programs, so I don't know why my projects are still hidden. Do you happen to know why, Evan?
Fill out a "hidden program appeal" form.
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