How to use Kahn to teach Maths to 4 year old.
Hi. I am not good at maths. As an adult I am hoping to go back to the start and learn it from scratch. There are more resources available now than when I was young.
I now also have a 4 year old son, who I would like to give a good foundation in Maths, so he doesn't struggle like I did.
I am having trouble teaching him maths as I don't know Maths well enough myself. In the Kahn curriculum there appear to be very large gaps. We were doing, "I have 8 flowers, and gave one away, how many are left?" which was alright. But then the very next lesson was count to 120, or how many lots of 10 are in 80. It was way too complicated, but there was nothing in between.
Also there are no lessons on the material as far as I can see, just quizes asking you to solve the problems. But I can't see anything that actually teaches you how to do the Maths first.
My questions are:
- Can anyone tell me if there is any material on Kahn for teaching pre-school Maths to a 4 year old? (I see an add for "Khan Kids" but there does not appear to be any lessons or learning material on that web site, it is just an ad for an ap, but I don't have a device that can run it. I just need something that can be done on the computer like Khan Academy)
- For the material that is on Khan Academy, how do you learn how to do the problems. I see the quizes and questions, but I need something to teach HOW to do the problem, before I am asked questions about it.
Any suggestions would be great as I would like to help my son but I don't understand it myself. Thanks,
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