A few updates for KA[if you want to make better programs, or want contests back, READ!]
#1: Subscribe button
#2: User Contests
#3: 8-bit sounds
I recently come up with a thought on KA, I noticed that people have "sub" pages on khan academy, and it's cool and all, but it get's kinda messy. So my thought was, you had a subscribe button right next to the energy points you had, it tells you how many subscribers you have. When you create a new program, it will bring a pop-up asking if you want your subscribers to get notified when you release it. If yes, you will be allowed to enter a short description of what your program is like. When you release the program subscribers will get notified similar to a guardian messages, but instead of the icon of a guardian message, it will be an image of a run button, similar to this: |>
That was my first thought, please consider this!
My second thought was that users wanted contests back. I know users make their own contests, but they want badges! What I suggest is this: Users with enough programs with enough votes(like 250+ or something like that) on a few programs or so can make a contest every two months or so. The badges? A new category called mars, which is user-created badges. They can give three prize badges, each with first, second, and third. How will they be rated? Instead of rated by votes, there is a button next to votes saying vote for contest winner! Which as you think, will submit the vote of who they think should win the contest. This doesn't have to be made by users though, just a suggestion.
One more idea, that I am done!
This post was taken from my 8-bit sounds post, which can be viewed here: https://khanacademy.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115001911888-8-bit-sounds
Hello Khan Academy!
I would appreciate it if you were to consider something:
The sounds on KA
They aren't horrible, but they can't really be used to make something cool with sound, what if we could make our own musics that actually sounded like something I would want to listen to a lot, how about 8-bit sounds?
In the getSound() there would be some new sounds that are in 8-bit, that you could use some if() statements to make a great music, think about it, people using 8-bit to re-create mario musics form SMB, SMB2, or SMB3, or maybe a new Khan Mix, I just wanted you guys to see that because I REALLY want to use 8-bit sounds for the KA game I am making, thank you for your timer
That's all of my ideas, please consider this! I hope to see KA continue to make more awesome programs!
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