Easier way to sort out notifications
When I leave khan for even 2 days, I always end up with a TON of notifications. Just from random threads and if I have a program on the hotlist at top-ish then I get a ton of notifications from the Tips and Thanks. When that happens, it becomes super duper hard to just sort though them, especially if one thread causes a lot of spam and blocks up the notifications, and I take more time trying to do that then even programming on khan, and sometimes I just stop doing it and I find I miss something really important, and sometimes when I do sort them all out I still miss some important stuff. So I have an idea on how it can be easier for people to sort them out. I was thinking there should be 3 buttons on top of where all the notifications are. They are called "New-Old", "Un-Read", and "Read". New-Old makes the notifications sort out like they already are. Un-Read makes them sort out where it's still new-old, but all the unread (un clicked on, the ones that are a light gray verses the dark gray) are at the top and read ones at the bottom of those. I would find this very helpful so I would not find to scroll allllll the way past the ones i've already seen. Read shows the already read ones and the not read ones at the bottom. This can be helpful if you are trying to find a comment that links to a program and one thread causes a ton of spam. I was also thinking that theres this red button at the end of each comment (not tips and thanks) where if you click that then all the comments in your notifications go away. Then you can re-show them by pressing a different button at the top.
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