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How can I map and publish videos?


We want all translated Khan Academy videos to be mapped (connected) to the English original on the main Khan Academy youtube channel.

In order to map a video, you must link the URLs of dubbed/recreated videos to the original English videos.

We provide you with an interface to accomplish this (see the links below).

You can do it in two ways:

1. Map one video at at a time (click the 'Dubbing' option on the Translation Dashboard)

2. Map videos in bulk

a) Go to the bulk mapping page (click here). If you have trouble accessing it, email us.                                                           The interface may take a while to load!

b) Select your language 
           c) Scroll all the way to the bottom and you will see instructions for how to map videos in bulk.


If for some reason you cannot access the bulk dubbing page, write to i18n_support@khanacademy.org (put "mapping permissions' in the subject line). Please provide us with the email that you use for your Khan Academy activities (if you have ever registered as a user for Khan Academy, it must be that same email that you registered with).


The bulk dubbing page


In order to successfully publish a video after mapping it the following needs to occur:

1. Make sure that the description and title are translated.

2. Publish any item; it can be anything other than the video.

3. The TAP/sync job needs to run.

4. Publish the video.